Ekin Sentetik San. Trade Ltd. Şti takes all kinds of technical and legal measures in accordance with the Personal Data Protection Law No. Related persons; You can find detailed information on the categories of personal data processed, the legal reasons for the processing of personal data, the data transferred to third parties, the purpose of this transfer and their rights under the PDPA and GDPR, from the clarification text below.


  1. Data Controller


Ekin Sentetik San. Trade Ltd. Sti

Mersis No : 328085827900001

Internet Address: https://www.ekinsentetik.com/

Phone Number : 0(284)214 11 94

Address : KÖYÜN KENDISI ESKITASLI KÜME EVLER NO: 4, 39752 Lüleburgaz/Kırklareli


  1. General Principles in Personal Data Processing


It lists the basic principles that must be followed for the processing of personal data in accordance with Article 4 of the PDPA. These principles, Ekin Sentetik San. Trade Ltd. It is taken into consideration within the scope of all personal data processing activities carried out by Şti and it is applied meticulously. The mentioned principles and explanations about them are as follows:


Compliance with the Law and Integrity Rules

Accurate and Up-to-Date Personal Data

Processing Personal Data for Specific, Explicit and Legitimate Purposes

Being Relevant, Limited and Measured to the Purpose They Work

Preserving for the Time Required for the Purpose of Processing or Envisioned in the Relevant Legislation


  1. Information Regarding the Processing of Personal Data


Ekin Sentetik San. Trade Ltd. The personal data processing activities carried out by our company are examined and planned in detail with a holistic approach for the entire period from the time a personal data enters the domain of our company to the destruction of this data. During personal data processing activities, all necessary measures are taken in order to process data in accordance with the personal data processing principle.


  1. Purposes of Processing Personal Data


Your personal data, Ekin Sentetik San. Trade Ltd. Ştii, as a data controller, for the following purposes and scope, in accordance with Articles 5 and 6 of the PDPA:


In order to improve, develop and diversify our products and services

Ekin Sentetik San. Trade Ltd. Ltd. Şti., to ensure communication and cooperation between affiliated companies, to ensure coordination, to carry out common business areas, to determine the needs of our customers and employees, to fulfill obligations related to the contract, to continue advertising and marketing activities, to ensure customer follow-up, to ensure occupational safety and business continuity. ,

In order to raise and improve our service standards,

In order to determine and implement our commercial business plans,

Ekin Sentetik San. Trade Ltd. Şti is a party to Ekin Sentetik San. Trade Ltd. Şti and for the control of the complete performance of the contracts by the counterparties in these contracts,

Ekin Sentetik San. Trade Ltd. In order to ensure the legal security of real/legal persons who are in commercial relations with Şti,

In accordance with the laws in the legislation, Ekin Sentetik San. Trade Ltd. In order to issue commercial books, invoices, bank checks and payrolls that must be issued by the Company,

Evaluation of recruitment processes of employee candidates, creation of personnel files of employees and Ekin Sentetik San. Trade Ltd. In order to maintain the human resources policies of Şti,

Ekin Sentetik San. Trade Ltd. In order to provide internet access for guests in the public areas of the Company,

Ekin Sentetik San. Trade Ltd. In order to carry out the commercial purchase and sale transactions of the Company,

Ekin Sentetik San. Trade Ltd. In order to carry out the corporate correspondence of the Company,

In addition to these, for purposes such as performing our necessary quality and standard audits or fulfilling our other obligations determined by laws and regulations.


  1. Transfer of Personal Data


The personal data we process, within the framework of the above purposes, taking into account the 8th and 9th articles of the PDPA:


In order to carry out our commercial activities and ensure continuity, to our people, institutions and business partners in the country,

Limited to our suppliers in order to provide products and services,

To the relevant public institutions and organizations, especially SGK, in order to fulfill the legal obligations stipulated in the laws and to ensure security,

To legally authorized public institutions and organizations and judicial bodies, in line with the demands of the relevant public institutions and organizations and limited to the purpose of the request,

Ekin Sentetik San. Trade Ltd. Şti, to other private and public legal entities, especially banks, in order to ensure that the social and financial rights of the people employed within the body are met,

Affiliated group companies in order to establish a common database, ensure coordination and cooperation,

Our company and Ekin Sentetik San. Trade Ltd. Şti to software companies and technology companies established in Turkey and abroad in order to create databases of operating systems and computer programs used, to ensure program operability, and to maintain and repair the program,

To its business partners, dealers and suppliers for the purpose of customer follow-up and meeting customer needs,

Within the scope of occupational health and safety measures, the health information of the employees can be transferred to the institutions and insurance companies from which the relevant health service is received in order to enable them to work in a healthy work environment.


In order to realize the aforementioned shares, our company pays great attention to the existence of purposes that meet the PDPA requirements and data processing conditions. In addition, during data sharing, all technical and administrative measures are taken in accordance with the requirements of the legislation.


  1. Storage and destruction of Personal Data


Ekin Sentetik San. Trade Ltd. Şti personal data storage period is calculated by taking into account the periods determined in the PDPA the relevant legislation, regulations and other relevant legislation. Despite the expiry of the terms, it will continue to process and store the personal data of individuals in the presence of data processing purposes that will ensure that any of the personal data processing conditions in the PDPA.


In the event that the personal data processing purposes that will eliminate the existence of the personal data processing conditions in the PDPA are terminated, Ekin Sentetik San. Trade Ltd. Personal data will be destroyed by Şti. The destruction processes in question are carried out ex officio in accordance with the provisions of the relevant legislation or are concluded if the requests from the data owners require it.


Ekin Sentetik San. Trade Ltd. Şti, the destruction of personal data is carried out by using deletion or destruction techniques according to the environments in which the personal data is located. Detailed information about the techniques in question is included in the Guide for the Deletion, Destruction or Anonymization of Personal Data by the Board.


  1. Method and Legal Reason for Personal Data Collection


Your personal data Ekin Sentetik San. Trade Ltd. Ltd. Şti., by natural or legal persons authorized to process data on behalf of, through declarations, application forms, forms filled in the website, documents requested to create personal files, various contracts, all kinds of information forms, surveys, job application forms, written or electronic channels. It is collected within the scope of your consent or the personal data processing conditions stipulated in the law.


This information is obtained for the purposes of presenting our commercial and legal activities within the scope of laws and regulations, performing services within this scope, maintaining its commercial life and fulfilling its responsibilities arising from the laws completely and accurately.


  1. Obligation to Notify


In accordance with Article 10 of the PDPA, Ekin Sentetik San. Trade Ltd. Şti will fulfill the obligation of disclosure mentioned in the law during the acquisition of personal data.


Ekin Sentetik San. Trade Ltd. Şti prepares appropriate lighting texts to be used at the points of contact with data owners and while carrying out commercial activities, especially on the website, and presents them to their owners.


Within the scope of Article 28 of the PDPA, Ekin Sentetik San. Trade Ltd. Şti has no obligation to inform.


  1. Rights of the Relevant Person within the Scope of PDPA


Ekin Sentetik San. Trade Ltd. Real persons whose personal data are processed within the body of PDPA have the following rights in accordance with Article 11 of the PDPA:


Learning whether personal data is processed or not,

If personal data has been processed, requesting information about it,

Learning the purpose of processing personal data and whether they are used in accordance with its purpose,

Third parties, recipients and recipient categories to whom personal data is or will be transferred, in the country or abroad,

Requesting correction of personal data in case of incomplete or incorrect processing and requesting notification of the transactions made within this scope to the third parties to whom the personal data has been transferred,

Requesting the deletion or destruction of personal data in the event that the reasons requiring its processing cease to exist, even though it has been processed in accordance with the provisions of the PDPA and other relevant laws, or requesting that the said processing activity be stopped and that the process carried out within this scope be notified to the third parties to whom the personal data has been transferred,

Objecting to the emergence of a result against the person himself by analyzing the processed data exclusively through automated systems,

Requesting the compensation of the damage in case of loss due to unlawful processing of personal data


Related persons may submit their requests regarding these rights to Ekin Sentetik San. Trade Ltd. Sti Yildirim Mh. Pınarhisar Yolu Kümeevleri No: 12 Lüleburgaz / KIRKLARELİ with a notice to be sent through a notary public, with presentation of identity card, by registered mail with return receipt or by e-mail sent to accounting@dogruyer.com.tr with personal applications to be made to our company. For the application of the relevant persons, they can fill in the application form at https://www.ekinsentetik.com/ and send it to our company using the methods mentioned above.


The requests of the person concerned are evaluated and resolved free of charge as soon as possible and finally within thirty (30) days at the latest. In case the evaluation and decision-making process requires an additional cost, the fee in the tariff determined in the Communiqué on the Procedures and Principles of Application to the Data Controller shall be taken as basis.

In order to respond to the application made by the data owners, Ekin Sentetik San. Trade Ltd. Sti may request additional information and documents in order to confirm the identity of the applicant and to clarify the applicant’s request. If the said information and documents are not shared, the application of the data owner may not be answered.


  1. Measures Regarding the Security of Personal Data


Ekin Sentetik San. Trade Ltd. Şti provides all reasonable care and attention to ensure the confidentiality and security of the personal data it processes. It takes all kinds of technical and administrative measures at a reasonable level to ensure data confidentiality and security within the framework of article 12 of the PDPA. Along with the said administrative and technical security measures, it is aimed to prevent the illegal processing of personal data, to prevent unlawful access to personal data, and to preserve personal data at an appropriate security level.


In the event that personal data is unlawfully obtained by third parties, notification will be made to the data owners, the Board and other relevant public institutions and organizations in accordance with the provisions of the relevant legislation.

While taking measures regarding the security of personal data, the Personal Data Security Guide (Technical and Administrative Measures) published by the Board is taken into consideration.